The Terra Project is an art project initiated by Hannes Egger in commemoration of the outbreak of the First World War, which also reflects on the nature of the commemoration itself, as the project aims to actively participate in commemorative events and to deal with the notion of remembrance in an artistic way. It focuses on the events of the first months of the war. From August 1914 to December 1917, Galicia, the easternmost region of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, was the scene of the exceedingly bloody Eastern Front, where many soldiers lost their lives.
For this art project, soil was extracted from the former battlefields in Przemysl (PL) and brought overland to the fortress of Franzensfeste/Fortezza in South Tyrol (Italy). At the fortress of Franzensfeste/Fortezza, the earth was distributed and potatoes were grown in the resultant temporary field. The final performance was a “Potato Festival” at which these potatoes were then boiled and served.